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ParaSolution Wins SoftwareReviews' 2024 Best BCM Software Awards

Montreal, January 3rd, 2025 – We are thrilled to announce that our Business Continuity Management Software, ParaSolution, consolidates its leader position in SoftwareReviews' reports for the fourth consecutive year.
Our solution is the leader in both the SoftwareReviews Emotional Footprint Quadrant, published in June 2024, and the Data Quadrant, published in December 2024, for the fourth consecutive year.
SoftwareReviews, a division of Info-Tech Research Group, specializes in evaluating and comparing enterprise software based on authentic user reviews.
An uncontested first place in the Emotional Footprint quadrant
The Emotional Footprint report evaluates software based on user emotional satisfaction, providing valuable insights into the quality of relationships between software providers and their clients.
We are proud to see our ParaSolution software shine with an outstanding score of 9.3/10, placing it well ahead of the 10 listed alternatives in the June 2024 rankings.

A coveted position in the Data Quadrant ranking
In December 2024, SoftwareReviews released its second ranking, the Data Quadrant. This report emphasizes the technical and functional aspects of software, focusing on user satisfaction regarding performance and tangible features.
We are pleased to share that ParaSolution continues to lead this quadrant. Our software particularly stood out for the excellence of our vendor support, its business value created, and the availability and quality of training.

ParaSolution, Top Business Continuity Management Software
ParaSolution is a business continuity management platform that enables organizations to plan, manage, and enhance their resilience to disruptions.
Our software offers robust features for business impact analysis (BIA), incident response planning, and risk management—all within an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
Learn more about ParaSolution here.

We take great pride in knowing that our clients value not only the effectiveness of our software but also their experience with our dedicated team—highlighting the holistic impact we have on organizational resilience.
A heartfelt thank you to all our clients, employees, and partners for helping us maintain our leadership in our field.
Discover our profile and download the SoftwareReviews 2024 reports at