Join us at Quebec city for the Colloque sur la sécurité civile 2023
Nowadays, it is essential to put in place robust, targeted response plans and proven management tools to enable the various stakeholders and managers to act effectively to minimize the consequences of attacks.
Attend the 21st edition of the Colloque sur la sécurité civile, organized by the Ministère de la sécurité publique and its partners from October 11 to 13, 2023, to develop your resilience.
The Colloque sur la sécurité civile is a must-attend event in the fields of prevention, preparedness, emergency measures and continuity of operations in Quebec.
Attend our signature conference, in partnership with Energir
At this event, don't miss our signature conference in partnership with Energir, exploring the theme « Résilience Énergir : Préparation à une cyber attaque et gestion des risques numériques ».
In this conference, three professional experts in operational security and continuity will address the context and development of a cyber tabletop exercise that involves all strata of Energir's incident management structure.
The speakers are :
- Philippe Tassé-Gagné, Vice-President of Consulting Services and Talent Development at Premier Continuum and senior consultant in business continuity and resilience for 25 years
- Pierre-Philippe Desmeules, Senior Director, Environment, Emergency Measures and Operations Security at Énergir
- Martin Laberge, General Manager of Cybersecurity, Governance and IT Risks at Energir
From scheduling exercises over several years to the various stages involved in planning an exercise of this scale, the presenters will guide you through the challenges, but also the benefits, of a well-thought-out approach.
We look to forwarding to meeting you there!
Download here the presentation overview
Join three operational security and continuity experts as they discuss the background and development of a cyber tabletop exercise that involves all layers of Energir's incident management structure.
Thursday, October 12, 2023 from 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm
Location :
Quebec City, Canada