BCI - Incident Response and Crisis Management
May 5-6, 2025 | English
Develop advanced skills to be highly effective when the D-day comes
Whether it is to maintain critical operations in the event of an incident, increase customer and stakeholder confidence, or decrease your financial risk, the incident response structure is a stepping-stone that will give your organization a great competitive advantage.
Take this course to learn all aspects of developing and implementing an incident response structure and crisis management capability. It will introduce you on how to build an incident response structure, as introduced in the Design stage of the Business Continuity Management (BCM) Lifecycle, and go beyond incident management into learning how to build a crisis management capability in an organization.
Course objectives
By achieving this course, you will:
• learn how to manage a crisis or an incident on the field and as a coach to your strategic team
• get familiar with strategies and tools to facilitate management
• get practical experience by simulating crisis management with its multiple phases with an actual case study
What you will learn
Gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of Incident Response and Crisis Management and have the opportunity to apply your knowledge in the classroom using a multi-inject practical case study exercise. Based on the BCI Good Practice Guidelines and reflecting the current global thinking from ISO 22301 and BS 11200, this 1-day course is delivered over 8 modules covering all the key concepts.
Module 1 - Crisis Management Concepts, Principles and Framework: Get a first introduction to the Lifecycle, the principles of crisis management and the crisis management framework.
Module 2 – Crisis Anticipation and Assessment: Explore threat assessment, early warning systems, horizon scanning as well as notification and escalation.
Module 3 - Building Crisis Management Capability: Acquire knowledge on how to plan the response structure, roles and responsibilities and the crisis management plan.
Module 4 - Crisis Management Team Support Facilities and Tools: Define the crisis command centre, the information management tools and the notification tools.
Module 5 - Crisis Response and Recovery: Define the crisis leadership and decision making, response protocol, recovery management and employee concerns.
Module 6 - Crisis Communications: Learn how to plan crisis communications, create effective messages, manage communications and use social media to mobilize your teams.
Module 7 - Crisis Management and TableTop Exercise: Experiment a table-top exercise in groups to consolidate knowledge.
Module 8 - Readiness and Continuous Improvement: Develop continuous improvement reflexes with training, exercises and post-crisis review and evaluation.
During this workshop, you will obtain documentation and you will apply the concepts. It will provide you with theoretical guidance and practical experience in dealing with a variety of incidents.
This course includes
- an electronic copy of the BCI Good Practice Guidelines - Edition 7.0, valued at $90 USD or $120 CAD
- BCI Course material (modules)
- additional documentation and templates developed by Premier Continuum
Who is this for?
The course is designed for all Business Continuity and resilience professionals who require in-depth knowledge and an understanding of how to build an incident and crisis management capability in an organization:
- Business Continuity or communication managers
- responsible of incident response and crisis management structures
- communication management team and support staff
- any person who has to manage a crisis or an incident related to Business Continuity, to emergency response or civil protection
- any person who has to train with a strategic resilience team
For the Incident Response and Communication Crisis Management course, no specific prior knowledge is required, although:
- having your CBCI (or equivalent certification) is recommended prior this course
- to be familiar with the Good Practice Guidelines prior to taking this course is helpful
- minimum experience in an incident response and communication crisis management role is helpful
All students will receive an official certificate of attendance directly from the BCI after they successfully completed this course.
About Premier Continuum
A leader in Business Continuity, Premier Continuum helps worldwide organizations increase their organizational resilience through professional consulting and training services, supported by ParaSolution, its world-class BCM software. As a certified training partner of the Business Continuity Institute (BCI) since 2008 and of ICOR since 2014, we have offered hundreds of classes in Canada, USA and Europe and trained more than 500 professionals. We take pride in sharing our unparalleled knowledge of the standards and best practices, our practical field-experience and our complete vision of resilience with our students.

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Customer testimonials
Find out how our training courses have helped professionals across North America and around the world develop organizational resilience.
Lisa-Manon Fabien
Mélanie Brassard
Fadi Esta
John Smith
Eilidh Morrison